WOD: “Partner Stuff” -Wed 4.8.15

7 Min Per Station 

Groups of 2

2 minute rest in between stations 


Station 1:


You and your partner use one rope to complete AS many Rope Climbs as Possible

Switch whenever and as often as you wish

Record the total number of Rope Climbs and Scaled Rope Climbs Separately

One person works at a time


Station 2:


You and your partner use one rower to complete as many calories as Possible

Switch whenever and as often as you wish

Record the total number of calories

One person works at a time


Station 3:


You and your partner use one bench to complete as many reps as possible of

Bench Press (185/95)

One person works at a time


Station 4:


You are your partner run outside to complete as many sprints as possible

Switch whenever and as often as you wish

Record the total number of sprints

One person works at a time


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