Strength/Skill: Pullups
- 3 x 10, every 2 minutes
- RULES: The most bands allowed are 2 purple. If you need more than 2 purple bands to do 10 reps you are doing ring or TRX rows.
- The goal is to establish a modification that is the most potent and will provide the most return on investment
- Establish modifications for WODs
WOD: For Time
- BUY IN: 250 Double Unders (500 Singles if you don’t have doubles), then
- 7 RFT:
- 12 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
- 1 Rope Climb (F.B. 2 reps)
- run 1 lap
- 20 min cap
- 7 RFT:
Happy Bday YENNI