WOD: “Benchmark – WANDA” -Tues 10.15.13

150 Wall Balls (20/14)

75 Double Unders (225 singles)

50 Full Crunches

75 Double Unders (225 singles)

150 Air Squats


Athletes that did the workout today and 6.25.13

Donna: Went from 32:30 to 26:53 (6# to 10# increase as well)
Marlene: Went from 26:57 to 20:54 (same weight)
Pete: Went from 31:54 to 30:40 (same weight)
Eric: Went from 30:26 to 20:55 (15# to 20# increase as well)
Natalie: Went from 30:44 to 30:28 (6# to 10# increase)
Wanda: Went from 24:05 to 25:53 (8# to 10# increase)
Terri: Went from 28:21 to 21:04 (same weight)
Cathy M: Went from 18:48 to 17:22 (RX weight both times)
Rico: Went from 29:54 to 23:10 (RX both times)
Bill: 16:33 to 16:30 (RX both times)
Joe: 21:34 to 16:45 (RX both times)
Jess P: 21:24 to 21:09 (8# to 12# increase)


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