WOD: “For Time” -Mon 7.15.13

Skill: Cleans

WOD:  For Time (record your time when you are finished)

15 Cleans (155/95) 

30 T2B, MOD: K2E or Box Knee Tucks

30 Lateral Box Jumps (each jump = 1), 20″

15 Cleans 

30 Double Unders (90 Singles)

30 Burpees

15 Cleans 

300 Foot OHWL (Plate – 45/35)

25 minute cap

After you complete the WOD continue to work until the 25 minutes are complete:

EMOM increase the clean by 10 pounds and complete 2 reps every minute until failure then remain at the last successful weight 


EMOM increase the rep count while keeping the weight the same.  Start at 2 reps and every minute add 1 rep. 

EXAMPLE:  If you finish the WOD in 19:52…At the 21 minute mark perform 2 cleans.  If you are increasing weight then perform 2 more reps at the 22 minute mark.  If you are not increasing weight then perform 3 reps at the 22 minute mark. 

EMOM (every minute on the minute)

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