WOD: “12 Days of Christmas” -Sun 12.25.11

“12 Days of Christmas Isabella Style”

AMR(ounds)AP  5 Minutes

12 KB Swings

11 Burpees

10 Deadlifts

1 min Rest (after the 5 minutes of work is complete)


AMR(ounds)AP 4 Minutes

9 Crunch to Presses (25lb Plate)

8 Pull Ups

7 Box Jumps 

30 Second rest (after the 4 min of work is complete)



6 Min Jump Rope 

5 Min Full Crunches

4 Min Outside Run 

30 Second rest (after the 6,5,4 is complete)



3 Minutes Air Squats

2 Minutes Push Ups

1 Minute Burpee

Rest:  Follow the rest periods shown above.  If there is no rest listed then do not take a rest.

How to do it:  Perform the first set of 12,11,10 for as many rounds as possible in 5 Minutes (attempt to complete 4).  Then move on to the second grouping of exercises 9, 8, 7 for as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes (4 rounds goal).  Then move on to the third grouping of exercises 6min, 5min, 4min.  Finally, move onto the last grouping of 3min, 2min, 1min. 


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