WOD: “Partner Chipper” -Mon 3.4.13

“Partner Chipper”

40 minutes on the clock

1000 Jump Ropes

500 Air Squats

250 Full Crunches

128 Burpees

64 Partner Clap Push Ups (each clap counts once)

32 Sprints (60 yards)

With remaining time AMRAP of 

10 Thrusters (135/75)

10 KB Swings (70/35)

(you are still doing the AMRAP with a partner…one bar…one KB…Switch on and off when necessary)

IMG_6002 IMG_6023 IMG_6031




Tire Flip 


Rope Slam 

Sled Push 

Knee to Ball 

Full Crunch 

Shoot Throughs 

KB Swings 

*Burpees at end

(The number of sled pushes by the class subtracted from 40 determines how many burpees are done)

30:30, 30:25, 30:20



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