Tues 9.27.16

“The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing a thing exactly right” 

Warm Up:

  • 3 Rounds (with empty barbell) of: 5 Good morning, 5 Muscle snatch, 5 Snatch grip push press, 5 Overhead squat

Strength: Back Squat, 4×5 @80%, Every 90 Seconds


  • 3 Power Snatch 135/95 (we are challenging ourselves with the weight today)
  • 15 Wall Ball 20/14 (Scale a weight that you can do 15 unbroken) (the goal is rounds not grinding out wall balls)
    • 25 Min Cap

Shoutouts: None
Box News:  None

9 27 16 scores 9 27 16 wod


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