Valentines DAY WOD – AMRAP – Sat 2.13.16

14 Min Partner AMRAP  Vday WOD

  • 250 Meter Row (him or her) or 10 Cal Assault Bike
  • 250 Meter Row (whoever did not do it the first time) or 10 Cal Assault Bike
  • 14 Air Squats if a non member/ 14 Wall Balls if a member (both must complete the movements in unison)
  • 14 Burpees Each (at the same time)
  • 14 Partner Clap Push Ups
  • 2 Buddy Carries (each can carry each other one time each or one person can do both buddy carries) (or skip it if you feel uncomfortable)

*Alternate between row and bike every round



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