WOD: “Rope Climb, AMRAP” -Wed 10.15.14

Skill: Rope Climb


6 Min AMRAP 

The first 2 minutes of the AMRAP is spent doing As Many Rope Climbs As Possible.

The next 4 minutes of the AMRAP is spent performing:

12 Deadlifts (225/155)

21 Hollow Rocks

36 Double Unders (mod: 36 WJR)


1 Min Rest

Repeat 3 more times

*4 Rounds total

*Each round you will have a Rope Climb score AND an AMRAP Score 

*Each round starts with a fresh new score. You are not picking up from where you left off. You are not combing scores from pervious rounds. Each round is independent of each other. 


*If there are more than 7 people in class some people will end with 2 minutes of Rope Climbs instead of beginning with the 2 minutes. 


Goal: Pace yourself on the Rope Climb so you never have to take a long rest between Climbs



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