TSG 2019

5th TSG 2013-2016, 2019
May 4th
COED – 1M, 1F
***Masters 40-49
***Masters 50+
***If one person is in between 40-49 and the other is 50+, you will compete in the 40-49 division.
How is this comp different from others?
-I care 100% about the athlete experience
-You are not spending all day here. Expect to be out by 1:30pm
-No floater WODS
-No finals (I make sure you have enough scoring opportunities during the 3 WODS)
-I am getting rid of the whole “you have to be checked in by a certain time thing”. If your first WOD is at 10am then you can show up at 9:59am.
SIGN UP/Price:
$160 from March 1 – 31
Registration Closes April 15

Registration can be done directly through me: Ben Isabella. You can text me 732 532 3337, hit me up on FB through this event page, @isabella_fitness_ on IG or @tristategames on IG
You can email me as well at [email protected]
Pay through:
Venmo @benisabella
Paypal [email protected] (SEND AS GIFT)
Golf Scoring for all scored events. Every scored component will count the same. If there happens to be a tie at the end of all the score components then the tiebreaker will work in this order:
The Team with the most first place wins
The Team with the most 2nd place wins.
The Team with the most 3rd place wins.
Continued in this fashion until a winner is declared.
If the tied teams end up having the same finishes then the next tiebreaker will be.
The team with the best the heavier Clean from WOD 1.
If that is a tie, then the next tie break will be the AMRAP from WOD 1.
If that is a tie, then the AMAP from the last WOD will be used as the tiebreaker.
IF that is a tie, then the Time from the FOR TIME in WOD 3 will be used.
If that is a tie, then the 6-minute SCORE from WOD 2 will be used.




WOD 1: 13 Min AMRAP + E2MOM Female Clean RX
60 Wall Balls (20/14) (10’/9’)
50 Toes to Bar
40 Cal Row
30 Lateral Burpee Over Rower
20 Cleans (at the females last clean attempt weight)
Minutes 0, 2, 4, and 6 only the woman will attempt a 1rm clean. She has 30 seconds to try to complete 1 rep. She can attempt the clean as many times as possible in that 30 seconds. Lift attempts are from: 0-0:30, 2:00-2:30, 4:00-4:30, 6:00-6:30

Weight can be increased after a successful lift or after the 30 seconds are up. The male and the female can load up for the next attempt.
Once the weight is added it cannot be subtracted. Females can choose to keep the weight the same.
Females can choose to skip an attempt and receive a 0 for that attempt. Remember, only the top 3 successful lifts are counted so you have 1 lift to play with.
The male may continue to work on the AMRAP as the female is cleaning.
The female can help with the AMRAP as well.
Teammates can switch on and off as they wish for all the movements in the AMRAP.
The weight that is on the bar after the 4th attempt is the weight that will be used for the 20 cleans.
All cleans can be power or squat.
From those 4 clean weights, the top 3 will be added together for a clean weight score.
If a team gets to the cleans before the 4th attempt is complete the team has to wait. Also, remember that the female can be helping with everything during the AMRAP.
Before the WOD starts, the female’s 1st attempt can be loaded on the barbell.
Once a successful lift is completed in the 30 seconds, the female can’t clean again until the next designated time.
Both teammates will use that Bella bar for the 20 cleans.
Wall balls will be done in one lane and you will have one pull up bar.
Example: if she cleans 140# on minute 0, 150 on minute 2, 155 on minute 4 and 160 on minute 6. Her 150,155, & 160 will be added together for a score of 465

IN SUMMARY, you are working on an AMRAP together for 13 minutes. It just so happens that on minutes 0,2,4,&6 the female has to attempt a heavy clean. The 3 heaviest lifts are added together and will be used as one scored event. So her clean score carries a lot of weight. Pun intended. YOU HAVE TO APPROACH THE WOD AS IF IT IS JUST AN AMRAP with 4 clean attempts for the female. .

SCALED and MASTERS 50+: 13 Min AMRAP + E2MOM Female Clean
60 Wall Balls (14/10) (10’/9’)
50 Knee Tucks
40 Cal Row
30 Lateral Burpee Over Rower or Step Overs
20 Cleans (at the females last clean attempt weight)

40-49: 13 Min AMRAP + E2MOM Female Clean
60 Wall Balls (20/14) (10’/9’)
50 Toes 2 Bar
40 Cal Row
30 Lateral Burpee Over Rower or Step Overs
20 Cleans (at the females last clean attempt weight)


WOD 2: AMAP or For Time in 2 min, 4 min, and 6 min. RX

In 2 minutes complete as many REPS as possible of:
30 Snatches (115/75)
40 BJO (20”)
50 Cal Bike
25 Thrusters (135/95)
You have 2 minutes to complete as many reps as possible. After the 2 minutes are up, you get a 30-sec rest. The number of reps accumulated will count as 1 scored event
You can switch on and off when you wish.
You will have 2 bars. Females will use a Bella.

You then have 4 minutes to complete as many reps as possible. After the 4 minutes are up, you get a 30-sec rest. The number of reps accumulated will count as 1 scored event
You can switch on and off when you wish.
You will start back at the 30 Snatches.
Athletes are in charge of changing the weight from snatches to thrusters.
If you finish the 25 thrusters then your score will be your time.

You then have 6 minutes to complete as many reps as possible. The number of reps accumulated will count as 1 scored event.
You can switch on and off when you wish.
You will start back at the 30 Snatches. Athletes are in charge of changing the weight from snatches to thrusters.
If you finish the 25 thrusters then your score will be your time.
No tagging necessary.
Only one person working at a time.

SCALED: WOD 2: AMAP/FOR TIME in 2 min, 4 min, & 6 min
In 2 minutes complete as many REPS as possible of:
30 Snatches (75/45) (females below knee)
40 BJO (20”) or stepovers
50 Cal Bike
25 Thrusters (95/65)

40-49: WOD 2: AMAP/FOR TIME in 2 min, 4 min, and 6 min
In 2 minutes complete as many REPS as possible of:
30 Snatches (85/55)
40 BJO (20”) or stepovers.
50 Cal Bike
25 Thrusters (85/55)

50+: WOD 2: AMAP/FOR TIME in 2 min, 4 min, and 6 min
In 2 minutes complete as many REPS as possible of:
30 Snatches (65/35) (females below knee)
40 BJO (20”) or stepovers
50 Cal Bike
25 Thrusters (75/45)

Round 1
Then with the remaining time AMAP Back for her and S2O for him (#135)
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat again but with 145# on the bar
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat again but for 4 minutes and with 155# on the bar

Each round will start with a 40 HSPU buy-in. With the remaining time, the partners will switch back and forth performing Back Squats for the female and S2O for the Male. Rounds 1 and 2 are 3 minutes while round 3 is 4 minutes
The RX and 40-49 divisions cannot allow the barbell to touch the ground. If the barbell touches the ground, your round is over at that point. Whatever reps that you accumulated up until that point will be counted. Scale and Masters 50+ are allowed to have their barbell touch the ground.
There will be one regular barbell used. (45#)
You can switch back and forth as you wish.
Athletes are in charge of adding weight in between rounds
40 HSPU/KBS Total not each

Round 1
40 KBS (50/35) Overhead
Then with the remaining time AMAP Back for her and S2O for him (#95)
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat again but with 105# on the bar
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat again but for 4 minutes and with 115# on the bar

Round 1
40 KBS (50/35) Overhead
Then with the remaining time AMAP Back for her and S2O for him (#75)
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat again but with 85# on the bar
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat again but for 4 minutes and with 95# on the bar

Round 1
30Β  HSPU (with mats)
Then with the remaining time AMAP Back for her and S2O for him (#105)
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat again but with 115# on the bar
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat again but for 4 minutes and with 125# on the bar


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