Part A: (performed on Side A)
10 Round EMOM (min 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
10 T2B (Mod: Handing Knee Tucks)
5 Front Squats (95/65) FB (135/95)
(Once you cannot complete the 10 T2B and 5 Front Squats within the minute, then it becomes an AMRAP. Remember what round you failed to complete the 10 and 5 and keep track of how many rounds you completed altogether)
3 min rest in between Part A and B
Part B: (performed on Side B-turf side)
10 Min Ladder (reps for each exercise: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, …)
Lateral Box Jump (24/20) (Mod: lower the box height – No Step Ups unless limited by injury)
*If class has more than 8 people then divide into two groups. One Group starts with Part A. The other Group Starts with Part B
*Record how many rounds were completed on the EMOM
*Record how far along the ladder you finished