WOD: “Partner Chipper” -Wed 10.22.14

Skill: Rope Climb

With your Partner complete

As many as possible rope climbs while completing the following work

50 Calories on the Row or Bike

100 Lateral Box Jump Overs (20″)

100 Plate Burpees (45#)

100 Hollow Rocks

100 HRPU

100 KBS (70/50)

30 Min Cap


*Your score is the time it takes you to complete the work as well as how many Rope Climbs you finished.

*One Partner is always working on Rope Climbs while the other is working on the other exercises.

*Switch whenever you want

*Communicate with your partner so you know how many reps you are at

*You must complete one exercise before you move on to the next one

*You do not have to complete the exercises in order

*Get on the Rower or Bike as soon as it is available

*If one partner is doing rope climbs and the other is doing modified rope climbs then keep track of how many are done of each.

*If you finish all the work then you may continue to switch on and off Rope climbs until the 30 minutes are up if you choose.


Partnerless Athletes:

25 Calories on the Row or Bike

50 Lateral Box Jump Overs (20″)

50 Plate Burpees (45#)

50 Hollow Rocks


50 KBS (70/50)

30 Min Cap

*every 2 minutes 2 rope climbs


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