Fri 1.6.17

  1. Strength: Front Squat, 10×10, @55%, For Time, 15 min cap
  2. WOD: 12 Min AMRAP
    • Goal of today’s WOD starts out on the strength. Push those legs to keep up with the volume. WOD is meant to provide a little sweat and increased heart rate. Cruise control on the AMRAP. 
    • 100 Double Unders (mod: WJR)
    • 25 SSJ (1 for 1)
    • 10 KB SDHP (70/55)
  3. Cool Down:
    • Pigeons: 4x30sec each side

The Info:

  1. Coach Alex 2 Year Anniversary.
  2. Jon D BDAY on Sunday
  3. Open Viewing Party: 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.4, 17.5
  4. March 24, 2017: Friday Night Lights (80’s Theme)


1-61-6 1616


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