“Attack everything with excellence and enthusiasm. The results will take care of themselves”
Skill: Muscle Up
- 4 Rounds of:
- 10 Left Arm KB Presses (50/35)
- 10 Right Arm KB Presses (50/35)
- 100 Double Unders ( do less if you are limited on time to complete the AMAP)
- 15 V Ups
- AMAP Muscle Ups with the remaining time from the 4 minutes
- No rest in between rounds
- 4 Separate scores of Muscle Ups
- 16 min WOD
- Goal is to have around 1+ of muscle up time at the end of each round.
Shoutouts: None
Box News: Reminder: If you are not taking a class for whatever reason and you are there working on your own stuff or open gym or mobility or whatever, you should be using Unit D, which is the unit with the turf.
- Sunday, November 6th: Ladies Only SoulCycle Workout, Shorthills NJ, @10:30am. Contact Kelsey for details 848-391-1695 or Vivian for Details: (908) 378-0991
- December 16, 2016: Holiday Party 6pm-9pm