“You will never be happy wishing for what you do not have”
Strength: Back Squat, 4×3, @87%, (0,2:30,5, 7:30)
Ready, set, go…
6 Minutes on the clock
- 400 M Run
- 21 KBS (70/55)
- 12 Front Squat (135/95)
- AMAP T2B with remaining time
- *Scale the weight if necessary to be able to get some T2B’s in
2 Min Rest
Repeat 2 more times
3 Separate Scores
Shoutouts: Anne P 1 year anniversary
Box News:
- NO Bootcamp 4/23 due to a CF competition
Schedule/Event News:
- April 23, 2016: Autism Awareness Swim-a-thon
- April 23, 2016: Battle Of the BAEs CrossFit Comp
- May 14, 2016: Greek Festival Outing
- May 30, 2016: Post Murph BBQ
- June 11, 2016: CrossFit By the Shore Summer Slam Comp
- June 25th, 2016: 4th Annual Tri State Games
- July 16, 2016: Rafting Outing
- July 30, 2016: War at the Shore Comp
- August 6-14, 2016: Fitness Tour 7: Reunion Tour, Austin TX
- Team Saturdays: Season 2