Deadlift, 80-85%, 9 min death by
min 1: 1 rep
min 2: 2 reps
min 3: 3 reps
min 9: 9 reps
Partner Workout, 27 Min Ladder
3 – 9 – 15 – 21 – 27 – 33 – 39 – 45…
DB Cleans (50/30) holding 2
Kip Swings
SSJ (aka lunge jumps) each side so 3 each side, 9 each side, 15 each side…
Run 1 Lap (indoor mod: 200 meter row, 1 min bike)
*Alt every exercise
*Run the lap together
Bench Press, 8×5, Every 90s
Progressive Overload
Chipper, 24 min cap
Alt exercises every minute, when you go back around to the same exercise, pick up where you left off. Only move on to the next exercise when the minute is up. It is essentially an EMOM until you get to the number of reps below.
100 HRPU
100/75 Cal Row
100 KBS (70/50)
Back Squats, 7×2, 80-90%
every 2 min
3RFT, 12 min cap
10 Strict Pull Ups
20 Thrusters (65/35)
AMRAP Holds, 10 min
10 sec of Farmers Standing Hold
10 sec of Plank
10 sec of Wall Sits
(add 10 secs to each exercise every round)
45 Min workout
5 rounds of
20 Jump Ropes (add 20 every round)
15 Wall Balls (same each round) (20/14)
Then Move on OPTION A OR B
20/14 Bike Cal
20 Alt DB Snatch (50/30) 1 for 1
after 3 rounds complete
50 HSPU (or you can do the 75 burpees first)
75 Burpees
30/21 Cal Row
15 KB Push Presses (50/30) Holding 2
after 3 rounds complete
50 Pull Ups (or you can do the 75 burpees first)
75 Burpees
S2O, 6X2, off racks, every 90 sec
5RFT, 16 min cap
10 OH Lunge (115/75) (minus 2 every round) 1 for 1
2 Rope Climbs
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
Strict Press, 5×5, every 2 min
After every set, perform 5 chin ups