Can I workout during a fast?

Can I workout during a fast?

Yes. Growth hormone is known to increase the availability and utility of fats for fuel. It also helps to preserve muscle mass and bone density. One of the most potent stimuli for GH secretion is fasting. Fasting increases adrenalin levels, starting at around 24-hours. 48 hours of fasting produces a 3.6% increase in metabolic rate, not the dreaded metabolic shutdown so often seen in caloric reduction strategies. The increased adrenaline level stimulate our fat burning metabolism. These hormones are waiting to be utilized so it makes the exercise more effective. Make sure you are hydrated and consume salt. About an hour before your exercise bout drink a glass or two of water with 1/4 tsp of sea salt mixed in. It takes the muscles about 45 minutes to absorb that water from the gut. (Fasting Talk Podcast. Episode 3. Jan 20, 2017)


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