What is the best food to break a fast?

What is the best food to break a fast?

  • Liquids – bone broth, soup, smoothie, BCAAs, Whey Protein
  • What about fats? This is going to be individual. Fats can be hard on the gut for some people. I would suggest keeping fat normal to low.
  • Salmon, lean protein like chicken and steamed vegetables
  • Break the fast with a small meal first (a handful of nuts, hard-boiled eggs (can be sensitive to some people)). Then about 30 minutes afterward, have a meal that is moderate fat and plenty of vegetables.
  • Soups and salads work great.
  • For 48 hours after the fast ends, we want to upregulate IGF-1. This helps with stem cell proliferation: BCAAs, whey protein, protein sources
  • 2nd day after fast ends – more normal eating.



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