WOD: “AMWAP & AMPAP” -Snatch Wed 9.11.13

Skill: Snatch

AMWAP – As much weight as possible You will have ten minutes to perform snatches.

Multiply the weight used by the number of reps.  You can change the weight throughout the ten minutes.

AMPAP – As many Points as possible

In 4 minutes accumulate as many points as possible.  The number in parenthesis is the number of reps you get per rep

(5) Rope Climb

(4) Burpee Muscle Up

(3) Burpee Pull Up

(2) Burpees Box Jump

(1) Burpee


2 minute rest


In 3 minutes accumulate as many points as possible

(5) Wall Walk

(4) Deficit HSPU (45# plate)

(3) Deficit Push Up (45# plate)

(2) Clap Push Up

(1) HRPU


2 minute rest


In 3 minutes accumulate as many points as possible

(5) T2B

(4) K2E

(3) Weighted Crunch

(2) Knee Tucks

(1) Full Crunch

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