WOD -“Let’s Run” -Tues 1.15.13

“Let’s Run”

50 Squats

50 Jump Ropes

50 Full Crunches


for 30 min

(read more – it is more complex than it seems)



Results from 1.17.12

1.15.13 Let's Run 1.17.12 Let's Run

How to do it:  Start by performing 50 reps of the 3 exercises followed by a 50 meter Sprint.  Then decrease to 45 reps of each exercise followed by 2 sprints.  40 reps, 3 sprints.  35 reps, 4 sprints. 30 reps, 5 sprints.  25 reps, 6 sprints.  20 reps, 7 sprints. 15 reps, 8 sprints. 10 reps, 9 sprints.  5 reps, 10 sprints.  If are able to reach this in 30 minutes now start to work your back to the start. 10 reps, 9 sprints.

The reps and sprints are always moving in opposite directions.  As you decrease the amount of reps you need to increase the amount of sprints, vice versa.



Box Jump 


Sled Push 

Bicep Curls 


IMG_4921Performance tabata 1.15.13

Performance: WOD:  “AMRAP”  -Wed 1.16.13 


20 Goblet Squats (35#)

20 Plank Jacks

20 TRX Rows

15 Minutes



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