“For what lies behind you and what lies in front of you means little when compared to what lies within you.”
Strength: Push Press, 4×8, Every 90 seconds (off ground)
- Focus on strong drive, heels down, strong overhead
- Goal is to beat last week’s weight see -> here
Just Move: For Time Ladder
- 10 Snatches (60%)
- 50 ABMAT Sit Ups
- 8 Snatches (60%)
- 40 ABMAT Sit Ups
- 6 Snatches (60%)
- 30 ABMAT Sit Ups
- 4 Snatches (60%)
- 20 ABMAT Sit Ups
- 2 Snatches (60%)
- 10 ABMAT Sit Ups
- 12 min cap
- 10 ABMAT Sit Ups
Then Away from the WhiteBoard
- 4×10 Pull Ups
- 4×10 Ring Dips
- 4×15 Weighted Crunch
- 4×10 DB Bicep Curls
- Time cap will change per class
- Just Move implies that you want to focus on, literally, just moving. The snatch is at a % that you should hit consistently over the course of the workout. For the ABMATS, go wild. Today is a day where YOU control the pace. Go fast or pace yourself…Just Move.
Shoutouts: Greg C, Jess P – 3 year anniversary
Box News: none
Schedule/Event News:
- May 14, 2016: Greek Festival Outing
- May 30, 2016: Post Murph BBQ
- June 4, 2016: Run to Remember 5k
- June 11, 2016: CrossFit By the Shore Summer Slam Comp
- June 25th, 2016: 4th Annual Tri State Games
- July 16, 2016: Rafting Outing
- July 30, 2016: War at the Shore Comp
- August 6-14, 2016: Fitness Tour 7: Reunion Tour, Austin TX
- Team Saturdays: Season 2