Mon 10.1.18

40 Min EMOM with a twist every 5 minutes

Every Minute complete:

  • 1 Semi Squat Clean (185/125)
  • 2 Deadlifts
  • 5 Push Ups
    • Complete the above work within a minute
  • On minute 5 instead of doing the above, perform 3 burpees
  • On minute 10 instead of doing the above, perform 6 burpees
  • On minute 15 instead of doing the above, perform 9 burpees
  • On minute 20 instead of doing the above, perform 12 burpees
  • On minute 25 instead of doing the above, perform 15 burpees
  • On minute 30 instead of doing the above, perform 20 burpees or AMAP
  • On minute 35 instead of doing the above, perform AMAP

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