Mon 4.25.16

“It is not about who can work the hardest. Unless you are a beginner, fitness is not the limiting factor anymore. Positional Quality @ Intensity is the limiting factor. Bring awareness to form and just make it look better” -Kelly Starrett

Skill: 1 Squat Clean EMOM for 10 Minutes #80% (stay in the hole for a 2 second count then stand it up)

*Slow down and focus on Quick Elbows, High and Tight, Take pride in your catch in the hole

Huff and Puff: 4RFT

  • *21 Cal row/bike (alternate every round)
  • 15 Unbroken OHS (75/55)
  • 9 Bar Facing Burpees (forward facing, lateral burpee)
    • 18 Min Cap 
  1. *Huff and Puff implies that you should Push the Tempo with this WOD. Heart Rate High, Rest Low, Chest Pounding
  2. *If there are more than 14 people in class then the 15th person should use the ski erg for all 4 rounds. Anyone over 15 does 7 Sprints (end of pavement to fence =1)
    1. Coaches should assign who is starting where.
  3. *The unbroken OHS has no penalty if broken. The intent is to pick a weight light enough to get 15 unbroken 
  4. *Make sure you are facing the bar on the jump over and hitting the deck laterally to avoid making contact with the person behind you. 

2 min rest then…

For Fun

Pick a partner or 2 or 3 or whatever and pick one exercise to perform in a Tabata Format (8 rounds of 20 second work, 10 second rest)

The coach will start the tabata timer and everyone will start together but exercises may vary 

Shoutouts: none
Box News: none

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