Murph shirts will be ready in 10 days or so. Please, keep in mind the initial cost was an estimate. The final cost of shirts is $25. Pay directly to me, Thomas P Cascio or coach Rich Cierpial, only. In addition, special thank you to Thomas for putting extra hours in his day to make these shirts and Rich for helping to organize it.
“Average is as close to the bottom as it is to the top.”
Strength Threshold: Front Squat, 80%, 3 reps every 30 seconds for a max of 8 rounds.
*Attack the rack, start when you are supposed to, be honest with your reps.
- Max 3 reps every 30 seconds for 8 rounds would be 24 reps. You may also complete less than 3 reps and continue for 8 rounds (ex. 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, , 2 = 17 reps)
- At the point which you can’t do at least 1 rep, your time is up
- COACHES: Everyone can go at once if there are 12 athletes or less. If 13+ athletes then set up two different groups. We are recording the total reps completed by each athlete. Athletes must be able to complete at least one rep before moving on to the next 30 seconds.
Just Move (*quickly): 8RFT
- 14 Alt Pistols (1 for 1)
- 7 Power Cleans (135/95)
- 18 Min Cap
- Today, Just Move (quickly) is going to mean something different to everyone. Your ability to perform Pistols will ultimately determine your pace. For some people, this workout will be more like a sprint. For some, it will be more like cruise control due to the time it will take to perform the pistols. Regardless of your pistols, you should avoid bouts of rest.
Shoutouts: Dehnz 3 year anniversary
Box News: No Bootcamp June 25th
Schedule/Event News:
- May 30, 2016: Post Murph BBQ
- June 3, 2016: Bowling Challenge
- June 4, 2016: Run to Remember 5k
- June 11, 2016: CrossFit By the Shore Summer Slam Comp
- June 25th, 2016: 4th Annual Tri State Games
- July 16, 2016: Rafting Outing
- July 30, 2016: War at the Shore Comp
- August 6-14, 2016: Fitness Tour 7: Reunion Tour, Austin TX
- Team Saturdays: Season 2