Power, 3 rounds,Ā
rest 45s after each movement
5 Barbell Banded Clean Pull
10 Each side Torso Slams
5 Box Jumps for Height
Semi Squat Clean + Front Squat + Squat clean + Front Squat = 1
Every 2 min, 6 rounds
5 Round Ladder, For Time, 16 min capĀ
1 Rope Climbs (add 1 every rd)
10 Squat Cleans (minus 2 every rd) 65%
Strenth, Every 3 min, 4 roundsĀ
15/10 Cal Row – ROW HARD
5 Deadlifts (70-80%)
Every 2 min, 10 Burpees
55 Jump Ropes
12 KBS (70/50)
EMOM, 5rds (15 min)
Min 1: 8 Bench Press
Min 2: Farmers Walk, There-Back (Holding 70s/50s)
Min 3: 60s Planks
Run 5 Laps, 8 Min Cap (indoor Mod: 1000m row, 1.75mile bike)
EMOM, 5rds (15 min)
Min 1: 8 DB Pullover (50/30) (FB 70/50)
Min 2: OH/Front Rack Carries, There-Back (Holding 70s/50s)
Min 3: 60s Hollow Holds
Power, With Partner
Alt every 90s, 4 Round Total
6 Ball Throw Over Shoulders Each Side
10 Slam Ball Clean and Press Wall BallsĀ (50/30) BALL CANNOT FALL FROM THE AIR TO THE GROUND
5 Banded Bear Crawl
Every 2 min
Box Back Squats, 5×5Ā
Rep 1: 5 sec pause (but active) at box
Rep 2: 4 sec
Rep 3: 3 Sec
Rep 4: 2 Sec
Rep 5: 1 Sec
5 Round AMAP
10 Kip Swings
10 Pull Ups (FB C2B)
With remaining time from the 2 min, complete
AMAP Weighted Burpee Box Jumps (35/20s)
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat 4 more times
Strength, 5rds, Every 2 minĀ
4-6 DB Arnold Presses
10 Walking Lunges (bodyweight) 1 for 1 (each round add 5)
For Time, 25 min capĀ
3 Rounds of:
9 DB Hang clean and Press (50/30) 1 DB
15/10 Bike
then after the 3 rounds complete
100 ABMAT Sit Ups
then after that
3 Rounds of
12 DB Alt Hang Snatch (50/30)
20/14 Cal Row
Remembrance WOD
4 Round Ladder, For Time
8 Laps (-2 each rd)
1 rope climb (+1 each rd)
3 weighted lunges (both sides) (24/20) (40s/20s) (+3 each rd)
5 burpee box jumps (24/20) (+5 each rd)
10 ball slams (40/30) (+10 each rd)
40 Min Cap
Ron Zastocki’s Grandmother