Thurs 10.13.16

“A true teammate knows its not about being better than one another, but making one another better”

Strength: Clean, 10 Reps @ 90% FOR TIME (6 min cap)

WOD: For Time

  • 30 DL (145/115) (Light to moderate) (TODAY is the PERFECT day to scale up on your weight for the DL and Cleans. (Firebreather would be around 165-185 and 135-145)
  • 21 HSPU (3″ Deficit) (challenge yourself today on the HSPU
  • 9 Cleans (145/115) (Light to moderate) (see above)
  • 20 DL
  • 15 HSPU
  • 6 Cleans
  • 10 DL
  • 9 HSPU
  • 3 Cleans
    • 25 min cap

Shoutouts: Kristen C Bday, Jon Z 1 year anniversary. Rubio 4 year anniversary
Box News:

  • WODS for the following day are being posted at 6pm now rather than 3pm.
  • Friday 5:05pm Class Update!
    • Reminder: October 14, 21, and 28 the FRIDAY 5:05pm “CrossFit Class” will be off the schedule. Instead from 5:05pm-6:05pm there will be an “open gym slot” for people who still want to do the WOD on their own OR Sign up for the “WODwithBen” Class – This may or may not include the WOD that has been made for the day. It may or may not be torturous. Be ready for anything! Have fun and Good Luck! *Note: All other classes on Friday will run as normal*


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