“The joy of victory comes from the monotony of repetition”
Skill: Toes to Bar (hollow/banana motion) AND Snatch Balance (4×4) after every set of snatch balances perform 5 toes to bar or great knee tucks. Keep the weight light on the snatch balances!!!
- Today we are going to catch in a partial squat aka above parallel
WOD: 10 Min Ladder
- 10 BJO (24/20) (goal is to keep moving, scale down as needed)
- 2 Hang Power Snatches (95/65) (Light Snatches)
- 10, 4
- 10, 6
- …continue for 8 minutes and then record score
3 Min Rest
For Time 21-15-9
- Deadlift (185/135) (moderate weight)
- Toes to Bar (challenge yourself today)
- 10 min cap. Record Time
1 Min rest
- 4 Min Max Bike Calories With a Partner (switch whenever)
*classes that have over 14 will perform this on the rower (athlete 15+ on the sign up)
Shoutouts: None
Box News:
- Check out our Blog: Here
- NEW PROGRAM!!!! Pain Cave