Tues 11.15.16

“Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is”

Strength:  Snatch, 6×3, @70%, Every 90 Seconds

  • Min 1: 15 Russian KBS (Eye Level – 70/55)
  • Min 2: 15 KB SDHP (70/55)
  • Min 3: 15 Wall Balls (20/14)
    • For 21 Min

Shoutouts: None
Box News:

  • If you are not taking a class for whatever reason and you are at the box working on your own stuff or open gym or mobility or whatever, you should be using Unit D, which is the unit with the turf. Please refrain from interrupting classes that are going on and remember that you are not the only one at the box.


11-15-16 111516


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