Tuesday 4.10.18

Strength/Skill: S2O, 4 x 2/3 @ 80% of 1RM S2O, every 90 seconds

  • **Ideally we want this to be a Push Press.

WOD: 23 min Partner AMRAP

  • 50/35 cal Row or 40/25 cal Bike
  • 40 Floor Press (115/75)
  • 40/25 cal Bike or 50/35 cal Row
  • 40 S2O (115/75)
  • 50/35 cal Row or 40/25 cal Bike
  • 40 Pullups
    • Some groups will do row/bike/row, others will do bike/row/bike.
      • Split up the calories however you’d like.
        • Switch every 10 reps on the FPs, S2O, and PUs.
          • Record 1 AMRAP score for the team.

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