Strength: Hang Clean, 5×1, Find 1RM, every 2 min
WOD: Partner WODS
Part A: Partner AMRAP
- 5 Hang Cleans (115/75)
- 7 Toes to Bar
- = 1 round
- *Switch Every Round
3 min rest for everyone
Part B: Partner LADDER 15-14-13-12-11…1 (10 min cap)
- Cal Bike
- Record time if you finish under 10 min
COACHES: please indicated whether a NEW 1RM was performed
Box News:
- NO Bootcamp 4/23 due to a CF competition
Schedule/Event News:
- April 23, 2016: Battle Of the BAEs CrossFit Comp
- April 23, 2016: Autism Awareness Swim-a-thon
- April 30th, 2016: SteelFit Qualifier: Come Support Kevin, Sky, Casey, Zach, Kaitlin, Jenna, Ryan, Kyle, Alex L, Rubio, Justin
- June 18th, 2016: SteelFit Finals: Athletes TBD
- June 25th, 2016: 4th Annual Tri State Games