Wed 8.1.18

Front Squats
6×2, 90%
Every 2 min

For Time – 10 min cap 

  • 6 Thrusters (95/65)
  • 3 Rope Climbs
    • 12 Thrusters (95/65)
    • 2 Rope Climbs
      • 18 Thrusters
      • 1 Rope Climb

FB same as above but go back up down the ladder (6-12-18-12-6 thruster, 3,2,1,2,3 rope climb)

Away From the Whiteboard
Version 1 (easiest): 10 Bear Crawls from Rig to Rig
Version 2: 10 sets of – 15 Second handstand holds against the wall
Version 3: 10 sets of – 15 Second handstand hold Shifting Body Weight
Version 4 (hardest): 10 sets of – 15 Second handstand holds against the wall with shoulder taps


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