Snatch Work
00:00 – 5:00 – 5 Min EMOM of Muscle Snatch (75/45) of 7 reps
Focus on fast hips, and fast transition
5:00-15:00 – 10 Min EMOM
At the 5 minute mark, add weight and perform
1 Semi Squat Snatch every minute until you need to eventually
start catching in a Full Squat Snatch
Every minute you are doing 1 rep and adding weight as you see fit
Partner Pyramid For Time – 19 min cap
- 500 Meter Row
- 4 Rope Climbs
- 750 Meter Row
- 8 Rope Climbs
- 1000 Meter Row
- 8 Rope Climbs
- 8 Rope Climbs
- 750 Meter Row
- 750 Meter Row
- 4 Rope Climbs
- 4 Rope Climbs
- 500 Meter Row
Switch on and off when you wish