WOD: “4min, 6min, for time” -Wed 1.7.15

Skill:  Power Snatch 7 x 1  (15 minutes)


WOD:  4 min, 6 min, for Time 

In 4 minutes complete as much as possible of:


10 Snatches (115/75)  FB(135/85)

25 Air Squats

5 Ropes Climbs

100 Jump Ropes (preferably Double Unders)

25 Pull Ups

(if you finish everything in 4 minutes record your time)


2 min rest


In 6 minutes complete as much as possible of the same thing. Start from the beginning.

(if you finish everything in 6 minutes record your time)


2 min rest


Complete the same thing as fast as possible (10 min cap)


*Your rope and pull up bar will be assigned to you

*Today is a good day to challenge yourself on the Rope Climbs

*Some people will either share ropes or they can do the workout out of order (We will pair some people up but the option of how you want to work together is yours)



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