WOD: “Abs and Arms” -Fri 5.15.15

Skill: ABMAT Sit Up

WOD: Partner Ladder

35 min on the clock

Buy in: 2,500 Foot Run (10 there backs from 125 foot mark to fence and back) (done together)

5, 10, 15, 20, 25….


Barbell Curls (45/30)

Hollow Body Rocks

Ring Dips

Weighted Crunch


KB to Sky (15/10) 1 for 1

*While one person is working the other is holding a plank. The only time work can be accomplished is when someone is holding a plank

*Switch whenever you choose

File May 15, 8 31 27 PM File May 15, 8 31 38 PM File May 15, 8 31 45 PM


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