WOD: “AMRAPs” -Tues 10.21.14

Skill: Pistols

Part A: 15 Min AMRAP

Reps for all exercises are 30-20-10 of

Pull Ups

Sumo Squats (70/50)

Weighted Crunches (45/25)

30 of each, 20 of each, 10 of each = 1 round


4 minute rest


Part B: 15 Min AMRAP

Reps for all exercises are 30-20-10

Pistols (1 for 1)

Double Unders (mod: WJR)

Shoulder to Overhead (105/65)

30 of each, 20 of each, 10 of each = 1 round


If there are more than 10 people in class, some people will start with part B first


Goal: Work on pull ups and pistols. Find a pace that you can stick to. 



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