WOD: “Barbell Complex and 8 Rounds” -Fri 10.10.14

Skill:  Hang Clean (7×3) EMOM


2 minutes on/ 1 minute off for 8 rounds

At the start of each round perform

6 Hang Cleans (135/95) (goal is to go directly into the S2O after the 6th HC)

4 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)


Remaining time from the 1 minute complete AMAP V-Ups


*Record V-ups Each Round

*Every Round begins with Hang Cleans and Ends with V-ups

*Every Round you will have a new V-up Score

*If you do not finish the HRPU before the 2 minutes are up report your HRPU push up number


Goals: Being able to transition the bar from one movement to another.  Work hard for 2 minutes knowing you have a mandatory 1 min rest.



Shirt Order Due Oct 17:  http://isabellafitness.com/new-cfs-shirt-order/

Photo Oct 06, 1 28 26 PM









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