WOD: “Bootcamp” -Thurs 10.11.12


Box Jump

Rope Slam 

Knees to Ball 

Walking Overhead Lunge

Dead Tread 

Split Squat Jump 


Step Ups 

Rope Pull Up/TRX Row



9 Minutes

10 Squats 

11 Push Ups

12 Squat Jumps

Goal: To complete each station nonstop for 30 seconds

Rest: W:R Ratio  Set1 30:30, Set 2 30:20, Set 3 30:20

How to do it: Follow the work to rest ratio that is listed above for every exercise.  Begin at the first station, work for ’x’ number of seconds, then move to station 2.  Do not start the 2nd station until the rest period is over.


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