WOD: “Follow the Leader” -Mon 6.22.15

Strength: Deadlift, 6×4, 85% (0, 1:30, 3, 4:30, 6, 7:30)

WOD: Follow the Leader – 25 Min AMRAP

400 Meter Run (mod: 400m row only If you CANT run)

20 Pull Ups (mod: Challenging Ring Rows)

20 KBS (70/50)

20 Vertical Jumps (concentrate on form and height, not speed)

20 ABMAT Sit Ups (slow)

*Teams of 3 or 4

*One person starts the workout and everyone else follows the leader. 

*You cannot be working on the same exercise as the person in front of you and you cannot skip ahead

*Once the person in front of you finishes their exercise then you may begin the exercise they just finished

*There may be times when you will have to wait because the person in front of you is still working on an exercise 

*The last person in the group will have to wait until everyone in front of them does their 400 meter run before they can start their 400 meter. The same applies for every exercise. 



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