WOD: “For Reps” -Thurs 4.17.14

For Reps

Achieve as many reps as you can in 2 minutes.

Change movement after 1 minute

1 Min Burpee

1 Min Wall Ball

1 Min Rest

*****add up the burpees and walls balls together to get one score PER round.

You should have 5 scores at the end of the WOD

ex (40, 41, 43, 39, 40)


Cash Out:  With a Partner 10 rounds of

(one person does 1 round then the other person does a round until 10 rounds are completed…5 rounds each)

5 Burpees

10 Chest to Deck Push Ups

15 Full Crunches


*if there is an odd number of people one person will do 5 rounds by themselves




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