Skill: Hip Hang Squat Snatch (Focus on elbows externally rotated, Keep bar in Hip Crease, Chest up on the dip)
WOD: For Time
With 30 minutes on a running clock perform:
20 Plate Burpees (45# BLACK plate)
20 Hang Squat Snatches [60% (round up)]
20 Bar Muscles Ups (Mod: Pull Ups, Jumping Pull Ups)
20 Hang Squat Snatches [60% (round up)]
20 Plate Burpees (45# BLACK plate)
*Record Time* (this is the only TIME you are recording)
and then with the remaining time complete: (use as much time as you need until the 30 minutes runs out)
{you don’t have to jump right to 85%…You can work yourself up to it}
5 (full) Snatches (90%)