WOD: “For Time ” -Wed 9.24.14

Start the clock:

For Time

500 Meter Row (record your 500 meter row time as displayed on the rower)

then immediately into

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Ladder of

Power Clean (115/75) FB (135/95)

Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) FB (135/95)


(record your final time from the clock)


*Class will be divided up into 2-4 even groups (to accommodate for the rower)

*There will be heats of 3 people going at once.

*Take note of the time on the clock when you start the row in order to subtract that time from your ending total time after the ladder.

*Row 500 meters then move immediately to the ladder

*Coaches will make groupings beforehand to facilitate the use of the rowers



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