WOD: “Partner Rope Climb” -Wed 10.8.14

Within Warm Up: Air Squat and Burpee Efficiency Tips

Skill: Rope Climb

This workout is being performed with a partner.  The partner in this workout is for switching purposes only.


22 Min on the Clock 

Athlete A Performs:

10 KBS (70/50)

15 Air Squats

5 Burpees

then rest until Athlete B is finished with their Rope Climbs 


Athlete B Performs:

Rope Climbs (3 for RX (15’/14′), 4 for Mod)

(Once athlete B finishes the Rope Climbs, they are to switch with athlete A and perform the 10 KBS, 15 Air Squats, and 5 Burpees)


(If Athlete A finishes first, Athlete A is to rest until Athlete B finishes the rope climbs.  If the athlete performing the Rope Climbs finishes first, then Athlete A should stop and move to Rope Climbs)

**Do not keep track of  rounds or reps. Use this as an opportunity to practice Rope Climbs and quickly work through Part A.


Single Athlete: 22 Min AMRAP of 

10 KBS (70/50)

15 Air Squats

5 Burpees

3 Rope Climbs



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