WOD: “The Checkpoint Chipper” -Tues 8.13.13

Skill: Deadlift

For Time 

5 Deadlifts (135/95)

200 Meter Run 

5 Toes to bar 

checkpoint #1:  record time 

1 minute rest 


5 Deadlifts (185/125)

400 Meter Run 

10 Toes to Bar 

checkpoint #2: record time 

1 minute rest 


5 Deadlifts (235/155)

800 Meter Run 

15 Toes to Bar

checkpoint #3: record time 

1 minute rest 


5 Deadlifts (285/185)

400 Meter Run 

20 Toes to Bar 

record time (final time)


By the end of the WOD you should have 4 times

You can vary the weight on the deadlift.  Just make sure you record the weights 



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