WOD: “AMRAP” -Thurs 12.29.11


15 Dumbbell Thrusters

15 Pull Ups

300 Meter Run

(15 minutes) 


15 Crunches

15 Hands to Chest Push Up 

300 Meter Run 

(15 minutes)

Goal:  To complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes

Rest:  2 Minutes between stations

How to do it:  Start by doing 15 dumbbell thrusters, 15 pull ups then a 300 meter run.  See how many times you can complete in 15 minutes.  Rest 2 minutes.  Then start by doing 15 crunches, 15 push ups, and a 300 meter run for 15 minutes.  See how many times you can complete in 15 minutes. 


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