WOD: “Unfinishable” -Tues 2.14.12


Pick two exercises from the list below:

Crunch to Press, Wall Ball, Box Jump, Atomic Push up, Full Lunges, Squat Jumps, Sprints, Split Squat Jumps

How to do it:  Start with one exercise by doing 30 reps.  After the 30 reps, do 1 rep of the other exercise you have chosen.  Then do 29 reps of the first exercise, followed by 2 reps of the other exercise.  Then do 28 reps of the first exercise, followed by 3 reps of the other exercise.  Keep going until you get through doing 1 rep of the first exercise, followed by 30 reps of the other exercise.

Exercise 1 = 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, … 1

Exercise 2 = 1, 2, 3, 4,…30


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