WOD: “Team Challenge” -Wed 8.5.15

Strength: Snatch, 7×2, TNG, 10 min

WOD:  “Team Challenge”

Groups of 5

Complete the following as fast a possible:

3000 Meter Row

50 Rope Climbs

150 Toes to Bar

200 Power Snatches (75/45)

250 Burpees

300 Air Squats

*25 Min Cap

*You can only be working on tw0 exercises at the same time. Only two people can be working at the same time. (You have to break you groups up into 3 and 2 or 1 and 4) 

*You do not have to complete an exercise before moving onto the next

*The movements can be performed out of order

*You can set up multiple bars but only one person can be using it at a time.

*The challenge is to split your group up into sub groups and work together to get the exercises completed. 

*If there is a team of 4 then multiply every number by .8, team of 3 multiply by .6


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