WOD: “% Work, and 4RNFT” -Tues 4.28.15

Strength: S2O: Week 5: (10, 6, 4, 4, 4) – 55, 75, 75, 80, 80% – Week 6 (Final Week)

Highlight: Heels down on both dips, knees drive out


  • 10 Strict Presses (50% of 1RM)
  • 15 BJ (23/20)
  • 40 WJR
  • 1,000 foot run (125 foot mark to fence and back 4x)
  • AMAP Unbroken KBS (55/40) (once you stop to rest your time is over…Has to be continuous movement!!!!

*Record the number of KBS after each round

*You will have 4 scores by the end of the workout

20 min cap

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