Mon 9.19.16

“Most people fail because they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment”

Strength: Front Squat, 6×8, Every 90 Seconds (add weight as you wish) start at 55%

WOD: Sprint Interval AMRAP

  • 15 Wall Balls (20/14) (Scale to get 15 unbroken everytime, I will take a 10/5 if you want to get the extra challenge)
  • 2 Legless Rope Climbs (Scale up more than your usual and scale back as the WOD progresses as needed, Start difficult)
  • 1 Min Rest
    • 18 Min


Away from the WhiteBoard Partner Challenge: (guy/girl is possible)

  • 3 Min Max Cal Row (must switch after 15 calories for men and 10 calories for women)
  • Solo Rowers: 45 Seconds work 45 Seconds rest for max calories as well. 

Shoutouts: Majid Bday, Kyle and Jodi 3 year anniversary

Box News:

  • This Saturday during Bootcamp we will have a photographer coming in to take photos for the New Website by Fuel Fire. Come out and support
  • We are also in need of some testimonials and photos! Photos will be taken 9:15am-9:30am
  • Please answer the questions below and email them to me (or just some of them)
    • 1.       What was your main concern about joining Isabella Fitness/CrossFit Sayreville Family?
      2.       What did you find as a result of becoming a member of IF/CFS?
      3.       What specific feature did you like most about IF/CFS?
      4.       What are three other benefits of IF/CFS?
      5.       Would you recommend IF/CFS? If so, why?
      6.       Is there anything you’d like to add?


9.19.16 WOD 9.19.16 Scores


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