WOD: “3, 6, 9, 12” -Tues 6.23.15

Skill: Ring Dip

WOD:  Complete as much as possible in the allotted time

  • 30 Wall Balls (20/14)
  • 10 Dumbbell Burpee Box Over (50/30)
  • 150 Double Unders (mod: 1 for 1 singles)
  • 10 Dumbbell Burpee Box Overs (50/30)
  • 30 Ring Dips (mod: Ring negatives or bench/box dips)
    • Rd 1: 3 minutes
    • Rd 2: 6 minutes
    • Rd 3: 9 minutes
    • Rd 4: 12 minutes

*Every Round Starts with 30 wall balls and ENDs when the time is up OR you finish your 30 Dips. 

*Record either the number of reps completed in the time period OR your finishing time after the 30 Dips

*Everyone does 4 rounds 

*2 Min rest in between rounds 


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