WOD: “Barbell Complex and 5RFT” -Tues 10.28.14

Skill:  EMOM for 6 rounds complete 3 Snatches into 3 OHS (unbroken) (min 0,1,2,3,4,5)



2:30 on/ 1:00 off 


7 Snatches (135/95)

25 Wall Balls (20/14)

100 Double Unders (mod: WJR)

10 Air Squats (quickly)

27 min cap


*Every 2 min and 30 seconds you are to stop and rest 1 min. Pick up where you left off until you complete 5 complete rounds of the above work. 

*The goal is to complete 5 rounds. You must take a minute break every 2 and 1/2 minutes. 


Work intervals 


3:30 – 6

7:00 – 9:30

10:30 – 13

14 – 16:30

17:30 – 20

21:00 – 23:30

24:30 – 27:00

IMG_6519 IMG_6520


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